JAG Grant Monitoring Publications
Annual Report - The JAG Annual Report is an evaluation of State and local level projects that received financial assistance during the past fiscal year. Generally, the Annual Report includes evaluations of projects supporting drug eradication, drug enforcement, community-based prevention, criminal litigation, substance abuse treatment, supervised sentencing, criminal laboratory enhancements, criminal history records improvement, and data analysis.
- 2005 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 735KB)
- 2006 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.05MB)
- 2007 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 638KB)
- 2008 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 553KB)
- 2009 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.63MB)
- 2010 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 940KB)
- 2011 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.54MB)
- 2012 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 2.01MB)
- 2013 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 16.1MB)
- 2014 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 4.63MB)
Missouri Statewide Drug and Violent Crime Strategy - Missouri's comprehensive approach to utilizing grant funds is described in this publication, including problem areas and responses, program implementation plans, and program evaluation methods. Additionally, an extensive analysis of the State's illicit drug problem is included that focuses on three primary issues: illicit drug use, impact of drug use, and the drug industry in Missouri.
- 2007 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.17MB)
- 2008 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.13MB)
- 2009 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.61MB)
- 2010 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.16MB)
- 2011 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 2.44MB)
- 2012 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 3.17MB)
- 2013 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 2.09MB)
Trends Analysis - Statistics describing task force activity in Missouri over a 2 1/2 year period are documented in this report. Statewide and regional trends are analyzed for task force manpower allocation, case workload, drug related arrests and charges, drug buys, eradication, destroyed clandestine laboratories, and amounts of drug seizures.
- Trends Analysis - Fiscal Year 2006 through Quarter two 2008 Statewide (Format:
(pdf), Size: 91KB)
- Trends Analysis - Fiscal Year 2008 through Quarter two 2010 Statewide (Format:
(pdf), Size: 205KB)
- Trends Analysis - Fiscal Year 2010 through Quarter two 2012 Statewide (Format:
(pdf), Size: 203KB)
- Trends Analysis - Fiscal Year 2011 through 2013 Statewide (Format:
(pdf), Size: 2,166KB)