Multijurisdictional Drug Task Force Drug Seizures (Format: Excel®, Size: 101KB)
Uniform Crime Reporting Arrest Charges (Format: Excel®, Size: 85.5KB)
(pdf), Size: 878KB)
2008-2010 Hate Crime Dashboard in Missouri
(pdf), Size: 880KB)

Crime Data Files
Crime Index: Sum of eight major offenses including murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, motor vehicle, and arson.
Offenses and Offense Rates by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 68KB)Violent Crime: Murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are included in this index.
Violent Crimes by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 124KB)Property Crime: Burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson are included in this index.
Property Crimes by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 128KB)Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence is reported if an arrest is or is not made. Domestic violence is reported when the violence includes harassment, stalking, coercion, assault, sexual assault, battery, or unlawful imprisonment.
Domestic Violence Related Homicides (Format: Excel®, Size: 40KB)LEOKA: Offenses related to Law Enforcement Officers killed or assaulted.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 33KB)Crash Data Files
Crash and Personal Severity: Crash Severity are three levels of crashes which include fatal, personal injury, and property damage.
Number of Persons Killed/Injured, Fatal/Personal Injury and Property Damage Crashes by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 41KB)Crash Rates: Involves both Death and Injury Rates. Death Rate:(Annual Deaths * 100,000,000)/ Annual Vehicles miles of Travel Injury Rate: (Annual deaths and injuries * 100,000,000)/Annual Vehicles miles of Travel.
Death and Injury Rate by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 32KB)Crash Circumstances: Are circumstances involving speed, alcohol, young driver, older driver, commercial vehicle, and motorcycles crashes by year.
Circumstances Involved in Crash by Year (Format: Excel®, Size: 78KB)Speed Involved Traffic Crash: Speed involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Crashes by Speed Involvement (Format: Excel®, Size: 34KB)Alcohol Involved Traffic Crash: Alcohol involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Crash by Alcohol Involvement (Format: Excel®, Size: 31KB)Young Driver Involved Traffic Crash: Young Driver under the age of 21 involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Crash by Young Driver Involvement (Under 21 Years Old) (Format: Excel®, Size: 34KB)Mature Driver Involved Traffic Crash: Older Driver 55 years old and over involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Crash by Older Driver Involvement (55 Years Old and Up) (Format: Excel®, Size: 38KB)Motorcycle Involved Traffic Crash: Motorcycle involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Motorcycle Crashes (Format: Excel®, Size: 38KB)Commercial Vehicle Involved Traffic Crash: Commercial Vehicle involvement crash statistics that include fatal, personal injury, person killed, and person injured by year.
Crashes by Commercial Motor Vehicle Involvement (Format: Excel®, Size: 34KB)MSHP Traffic Arrests Data Files
Moving Violation: Moving violations that include charges with speed, Hazardous Vehicle Conditions, and Other Hazardous Moving Violations.
Speed, Hazardous Vehicle and Other Hazardous Moving Violations (Format: Excel®, Size: 111KB)Alcohol Violation: This includes Alcohol and Drug related driving violations.
Alcohol and Drug Related Driving Violations (Format: Excel®, Size: 31KB)Licensing Violation: Violations that are Driver License and Saftey Responsibility.
Driver License and Safety Responsibility (Format: Excel®, Size: 51KB)Other Traffic Violation: Violations that involve Motor Vehicle Inspections, Registration and Ownership, Commercial Motor Vehicle, and Other Traffic Felony.
Motor Vehicle Inspection, Registration and Ownership, Other Traffic Felony Violations (Format: Excel®, Size: 91KB)Illicit Drug Industry Data
Multijurisdictional Drug Task Force Arrest Charges (Format: Excel®, Size: 124KB)Multijurisdictional Drug Task Force Drug Seizures (Format: Excel®, Size: 101KB)
Uniform Crime Reporting Arrest Charges (Format: Excel®, Size: 85.5KB)
Hate Crime Dashboard
2010 Hate Crime Dashboard in Missouri(Format:

2008-2010 Hate Crime Dashboard in Missouri