Crime Publications
Crime in Missouri - A primary source of Missouri crime statistics based on law enforcement agencies' mandatory reporting of crime offenses to the Missouri Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Statistics cover Index Crime offenses and arrests (homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson), other arrests, domestic violence incidents, law enforcement homicides and assaults, and law enforcement employment.
- Crime in Missouri - 2001 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.42MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2002 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.51MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2003 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 623KB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2004 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 792KB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2005 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.86MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2006 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 989KB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2007 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 712KB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2008 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.14MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2009 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 8.67MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2010 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.30MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2011 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 909KB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2012 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 1.78MB)
- Crime in Missouri - 2013 (Format:
(pdf), Size: 4.19MB, Revised Maps as of 12/31/2014)
Domestic Violence in Missouri - Missouri Criminal History Reporting System data are used to examine the extent and nature of domestic violence in Missouri from 1999 to 2010. Analyses were conducted at arrest, prosecution, and court levels to identify any demographic or criminal trends. A re-offending rate was calculated for domestic violence offenders as part of an effort to determine if recidivism is higher in this population than the general criminal population.
- Domestic Violence Offenders in Missouri
(Format:(pdf), Size: 746KB)
Hate Crime in Missouri - Hate crime is defined as a criminal offense committed against persons, property, or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin. Hate crimes reported to the MoUCR Program describe offenders' bias when associated with the eleven (11) designated offense types: Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter; Forcible Rape; Robbery; Aggravated Assault; Burglary; Larceny; Motor Vehicle Theft; Arson; Simple Assault; Intimidation; and Vandalism. This report contains detailed information on criminal offenses, victims, offenders, locations, and bias motivation associated with hate crimes throughout the State of Missouri.
- Hate Crime Report in Missouri - 2010
(Format:(pdf), Size: 1.37MB)
- 2010 Hate Crime Dashboard in Missouri
(Format:(pdf), Size: 878KB)
- 2008-2010 Hate Crime Dashboard in Missouri
(Format:(pdf), Size: 880KB)
- Hate Crime Report in Missouri - 2011
(Format:(pdf), Size: 3.27MB)
- Hate Crime Report in Missouri - 2012
(Format:(pdf), Size: 3.51MB)
- Hate Crime Report in Missouri - 2013
(Format:(pdf), Size: 1.54MB)